It started September 1st, 2019 and will end September 30th, 2026, with an overall Budget of 15 Mio. Euros.
The grand objective of ENSEMBLE3 is to create the Centre of Excellence ENSEMBLE3, which will focus on research excellence and innovation performance in the area of crystal growth-based technologies, novel functional materials with innovative electromagnetic properties, and applications in nanophotonics, optoelectronics and medicine. The ENSEMBLE3 Centre of Excellence will build on the best of (i) nanophotonics and medicine-oriented research of the Faculty of Chemistry University of Warsaw – a leading Polish university; (ii) research and development in the area of crystal growth and innovation practices at the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, the applied research institute in Warsaw; and (iii) the technology transfers via small and medium-sized enterprises.
NanoMat is Partner of the ENSEMBLE3 Project. NanoMat will be one of the ENSEMBLE3 contact channels with industrial partners, organizing dedicated workshops for ENSEMBLE3, encouraging information exchange also with potentially interested industrial partners. These interactions are expected to give feedback that will be utilized in optimizing the project’s results in terms of increased value for end users.
During the Research and Innovation Days in Brussels, a symbolic signature ceremony of the ENSEMBLE3 Teaming for Excellence project took place on September 24, 2019. ENSEMBLE3 was represented by the project coordinator Prof. Dorota A. Pawlak (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology and University of Warsaw) and Prof. Jose M. Pitarke (Director of NanoGUNE in Spain).
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