Cooperative graduate school MERAGEM


The co-operative Graduate School MERAGEM (Modeling, Design Automation, Realization of Printed Electronics and Materials) between the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) invites applications for PHD scholarships based on the Federal State Postgraduate Act (“Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz – LGFG”) for the duration of three years.
The graduate school comprises 12-15 PHD students working in the field of technology and process, devices (FETs, passive interconnects, solar cells, batteries), components and modules (logic gates, thermoelements, sensors, photovoltaic, energy harvesting), and systems and applications (Internet of Things, smart homes, smart cities), to cover various
aspects of fabrication, modeling, simulation, design and optimization of printed electronics circuits and systems. Please find further information on the MERAGEM homepage.